ISSUE #5: Nobody puts baby in the corner
Read this when you're tired of hearing "stay in your lane"
How many times in your entrepreneur journey have you heard or been told to "pick a lane and stay in it?" To only focus on ONE thing or to niche down as much as possible and stay there until the end of time?
As entrepreneurs, we're made to believe that we can only do one thing and use one gift if we truly want to be successful. And well i'd like to call bs. 🥴
This is one of the biggest entrepreneur lessons that I want us to unlearn.
Don't get me wrong, there is power in focus and I do believe that you need to focus in order to do something really well. But I don't believe that as humans, we are supposed to be boxed into that one focus for the rest of our lives. You've heard me speak on this before but I believe that there is a season for everything, especially in business.
One of the biggest factors that often keeps us stuck in the same season forever is the belief that we can't evolve into something completely new. A new audience, a new product or a new industry in my case.
So let me remind you that you are more than this box you've been placed in. You are multifaceted, mutli-talented and your purpose can look different in different seasons.
Move and shift as you see fit.
- Alisha