Issue #52: Saying YES To Your Ideas Isn't Just About You
Why you should say YES to your ideas when your mind is urging you to say NO.
This week’s issue is brought to you by, ROOTED
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Hey friend!
I spent this past weekend, in a cute log cabin in the heart of Charlotte, NC with six of the most incredible women that I know. We spent the weekend catching up, laughing, eating, uncovering our strengths, making big plans for our lives and businesses, and more.
We prayed over each other, hugged each other when conversations became hard, and hyped each other up while attempting to learn TikTok dances 😂.
The entire weekend was rejuvenating and the medicine that my soul absolutely needed after weeks of being in the thick of depression. If you had seen how comfortable we were with talking to each other and sharing some of the most intimate parts of our lives, you wouldn’t believe that this was only our second time all being in the same room together.
Yes, “The Seven” as we call ourselves, are a group of women who were brought together online a couple of years ago and who have done the majority of our connecting with each other through weekly Zoom calls and our Slack channel. This incredible group whom I am happy to call dear friends of mine, was brought together because one of us (Hey Krystal!) was obedient to a nudge and pitched the idea of all of us forming a mastermind group.
Not knowing how our relationships would form or even thinking that our group would last this long (because many don’t), we have had the opportunity to grow close, pray with each other during rough moments, and be each other’s guide and cheerleaders through both life and business.
And it all started because one person said YES. One person pushed past her fear and her doubts and proposed an idea that has changed all of our lives for the better. I literally don’t even want to know what life would be like not knowing these women.
I know that you are full of so many great ideas. Huge plans for how you want to carve out a space in this world to make yourself and the lives of others better. But you’re hesitant. Fear is telling you that acting on this idea is impossible. Anxiety is telling you that if you put this idea out there others will think it’s ridiculous. And your own doubts are telling you that you are not the right person to execute these plans.
But let me tell you. Not saying YES to that big goal or that list of ideas is not only doing a disservice to yourself but to those who need what you have to offer. I have said this over and over for many years but, those ideas and those projects that you have been holding on to are not for you. They are for the people that you were created to serve.
Had my friend Krystal, ignored the nudge to bring our group together, we all would have missed out on making incredible life-long friendships. Had I continued to hesitate to launch the ROOTED community, there would be a ton of women still going through the cycle of stress and burnout.
Yes, jumping into the deep end and telling the world about your ideas is hard and scary. But just think about the lives that won’t be changed because you continued to talk yourself out of it. The friendships that could be formed. The businesses that could be launched. The money that could be made. Or the permission that someone else may need. May all rest on you deciding whether to say YES OR NO.
No pressure of course. 🙂
As you move through the rest of this week, I want you to think about what you’ve been struggling to say YES to. What big ideas you have been sitting on out of fear, imposter syndrome, or doubt? Once you recognize what’s holding you back, decide on one step that you can take to begin moving forward. Even if that one step is just committing to saying “YES.” Remember, that nothing defeats fear more than taking action.
And if you need a little more encouragement, check out my book, Living Over Existing. Which is all about how to push past fear, defeat self-doubt, and unleash your God-given gift.
Cheers to an incredible week!
– Alisha
Become the entrepreneur who intentionally prioritizes rest over hustle!
ROOTED is a private community that encourages women entrepreneurs to prioritize rest so that they can break the cycle of stress and burnout. It's your hub for resources that fuel your well-being and elevate your business. Think curated wellness and business resources, genuine connections, and actionable strategies for making rest a priority!
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😒 Local businesses around the world are sick of influencers taking up space and asking for free stuff. But do they have a solid point?
📱 Tiktok is coming for the rest of your day (and your productivity) by potentially allowing longer video uploads.
♥️ Is the pain you’re feeling really all in your head or are you self-gaslighting?
👩🏾 Lately I’ve been doing a lot of research on how to shift your life around your menstrual cycle. This article is a really good breakdown of how to take care of your mind and body during each week of your cycle.
📔 If you’ve been trying to keep up with the war between Israel and Hamas, here’s a really good breakdown of some of the terminology that is being used.