Doing Life Well
Doing Life...Well?
Managing Your Period Well with Berrion Berry

Managing Your Period Well with Berrion Berry

This week, Women's Health Coach and Fertility Awareness Educator, Berrion Berry chats with us about cycle syncing, working with your different cycle phases, and more!

My earliest memory of first learning about a "period" was in the 5th grade when our teachers put the girls and boys into separate rooms and they had us watch a movie on VHS about a girl starting her period for the first time. We were then handed a small bag that included a pad and a pamphlet then sent home. That was it.

It took me YEARS, a terrible menstrual cycle, a few quacky doctors, and a lot of research to learn just how much our periods affect our daily lives. From the way we plan )or not plan) for a family, to the conversations we have, and yes, to even how we run our business.

That's why this week I am so incredibly excited to share with you the conversation I had with Berrion Berry!

Berrion (pronounced berry-on) Berry is a Women’s Health Coach, Fertility Awareness Educator, & founder of Optimize Your Flo. Her work educates, equips, and empowers modern girls and women to embrace their hormonal nature through understanding their bodies and simplifying their wellness routine. Her expertise has been showcased in MSNBC’s Film Periodical and even on some of your favorite platforms like 21Ninety, xoNecole, Balanced Black Girl, The Every Girl and many more. From menarche to menopause, Berrion covers it all and is dedicated to helping women achieve optimal health in every phase.

We cover so much in this episode! Berrion breaks down the different phases of the menstrual cycle, what to eat and how to work during each phase, how we can begin normalizing the conversation around periods, and so much more!


Check out her website, follow her on Instagram and TikTok, and listen to her podcast!


Follow me on Instagram and don't forget to subscribe to Doing Life...Well? over on Apple Podcast, Spotify, or Substack!

Doing Life Well
Doing Life...Well?
Welcome to "Doing Life...Well?"—the podcast where we dive into the real stories of women entrepreneurs navigating the ups and downs of life and business. Each week, join us for candid conversations with inspiring women who share how they manage different aspects of their lives while building successful businesses.
From work-life balance to self-care routines, we're all about humanizing entrepreneurship and showing you that you're not alone in the journey. Get ready for real and raw conversations where we explore the highs and lows of parenting, relationships, mental health, and everything in between.