I like to believe that I am an expert when it comes to physical rest. I break my day up in a way that allows me time to walk, stretch, and nap. I am in bed every night at a decent-to-me hour. And I take a sabbath religiously every week. If I were graded on the quality of my physical rest, I’m pretty confident that I’d have an “A".”
Lately, a lot of life has been happening over here that has forced me to make a lot of big decisions and changes. With the new addition of stress that has been added to my life over the past few weeks, I have noticed that physical rest isn’t enough. While my muscles have been able to relax, the frustration, confusion, and anger that I have felt over the past few weeks have my nervous system in shambles.
Have you ever been in a position where no matter how much you rest your body, you still don’t feel rested? It’s because no matter how many naps we take, if our minds are still running a mile a minute and if our nervous system is a wreck, then we’re not really getting the quality of rest that we need.
Rest is about a lot more than how you’re moving or not moving your body, it’s about what you’re thinking and how those thoughts are affecting how you feel. It’s about getting your soul back into alignment with a higher source. When physical rest doesn’t feel like enough, you need deep soul rest.
Here’s how I am focusing more on deep soul rest in this season of my life.
Taking time out of my day to spend with God has been something I’ve gotten away from over the past year and I know that connection is something that I strongly need to truly feel rested. I recently switched my morning routine and instead of doing a quick morning check-in with myself before diving into work, I’m now doing a solo bible study using the S.O.A.P method. I’ve been at it for a few days now and I am already feeling a lot more calm and less frazzled. I know that the Lord is the source of my strength and I have been trying to operate within my capacity for way too long. Whatever spirituality or religion looks like for you, how can you devote 20-30 minutes to focusing on your connection before starting your day? There is only so much that you can hold on to for yourself, often we have to put our trust in something bigger.
You know how much of an advocate I am for journaling. The act of putting every single one of your thoughts down on paper just to get them out of your head frees up so much mental space. Lately, my journaling has looked like written prayers but you can free write, use journal prompts, or just write whatever word(s) comes to mind at the moment.
If you’re like me and struggle with “strong woman syndrome,” then you probably haven’t allowed yourself to fully sit in your feelings and let them out. You’ve probably told yourself over and over again that you’re ok and that what you’re currently experiencing isn’t “that bad".” Stop lying to yourself, friend.
I have been so busy and trying to hold myself together over the past few weeks that I didn’t even realize what I needed was a big ugly cry. Crying is cleansing to the soul. It doesn’t make you weak nor does it make you vulnerable. It’s your body’s way of reacting to and releasing the pain that you feel. Let it out and just see how much better you feel afterward.
Just like burnout can’t be healed overnight, I believe that we also have to give ourselves time to feel deeply rested, especially when it comes to soul rest. You may not find yourself out of the woods immediately but keep giving your soul what it needs and you’ll begin to notice a difference in no time.
What do you do when you need deep soul rest? Let me know in the comments!
Cheers to a restful week!
– Alisha, Founder of Doing Everyday Well
Issue #70: Introducing Doing Everyday Well
🎥 Last week I recorded a full walkthrough video showing you the inside of my new Take Care toolkits!
♥️ Speaking of deep soul care. What do you do when God’s plan is different than your own? – Get Your Hopes Up podcast
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Thank you for putting words to this. I can relate! I've feel a much deeper need for soul rest lately. I've had some stressful things come up in my life that have triggered me and thrown my nervous system off. During times like this I slow down, pray, do lots of self care, walk in nature, read, meditate and so on. And sometimes I cry. It's not easy being human. Some days feel close to impossible, but minute by minute I can do it. With God, I can do it. Naps always help.