This month we’re talking about building your business with intention and really digging deep into how that may look for you and your business. This is a huge mission here at LOE so I wanted to spend this month sharing more of what it means and how you can implement some of our tips into a new business or if you may be in the rebranding process! This week’s episode is a two part series! I’m walking you through the intentional business plan template and sharing examples of how you can begin answering the questions and laying a solid foundation for your business.
In this episode we cover:
What it means to build a business with intention
Your personal vision
Your business vision
And your target audience
To help you implement everything we cover in this series, you can also download the Business With Intention template!
This episode is sponsored by Taupe Coat and their new Better At Home Box! Get free shipping off your order with code LOE.
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