This week I am chatting with Brittany Berger, the founder of, a digital media company that helps productive unicorns go beyond working smarter to a version of productivity that makes room for “unproductive” things like rest, self-care, and fun.
She started Work Brighter after 5 years running content marketing in high stress startups that prioritized hustle, growth, and scaling over self-care and mental health. Now that she's changed her own mindset, she spends her time helping other people escape Hustle Culture and define balance for themselves, advocating for mental health and chronic illness awareness, and dancing...always dancing!
This episode, Brittany and I chat about:
How working at a hustle-focused startup and running two online business pushed her into slowing down and focusing on her own mental health.
The mindset shifts she needed to make to get to the place she is in now with prioritizing self-care
How managing both a mental and chronic illness affects how she runs her business.
What it means to work brighter and be productive while also prioritizing self-care
Find the show notes for this episode at
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