Autumn Colon is a multi-passionate creative, self-taught designer. brand strategist and content creator behind L.A.Co Creative Studios and She believes in the power of creativity and designing with the heart first and holistic health & harmony from the inside out. Autumn values the power of leading a purposeful and passionate led life. She empowers women-owned brands and businesses to achieve brand alignment through curated branding experiences, custom content, website design, and brand strategy. In addition to being a motherhood wellness advocate, food, feelings & movement enthusiast her work centers around making holistic wellness & nutrition relatable.
In this episode, Autumn and I chat about:
Her journey into building a brand around her love for holistic wellness and helping other women entrepreneurs.
Why it is important for her to make holistic wellness and nutrition relatable and how she does it.
How her mental health has affected her business and why it was so important for her to seek help.
How she uses storytelling to connect with her audience.
and so much more!
You can find the show notes for this episode over at
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