I feel like my mission in life is to help women like you. So coaches and online service providers or those who are aspiring to be, to
1. push past the mental barriers that are holding you back from leaping into your idea fully and
2. To help you to build a sustainable business with intention. A business that will last more than just a few months but also built around what you feel called or pulled to do in this world.
There is so much focus these days on scaling. Making more money. Hitting big income goals. Getting to the covested six figures. And there is nothing wrong with that. I have huge income goals as well. But i think that there is often so much talk around the money that many business owners end up building a six figure business on a rocky foundation. And once they've hit their max, slowly that foundation begins to crumble.
Don't get me wrong. Money is important. Money gives you freedom. It gives you options. And it can make life a lot easier in many cases. So don't think this is a bash against how much money you can make. My point is, you don't want you to grow a super successful business that is here today and gone tomorrow. And there is so much more to building a sustainable coaching or service based business beyond just getting your next new client. what about your content strategy? What about your brand message? Do you have solid systems? What does your retention strategy look like?
This week I wanted to talk about the other areas of your business you should be focusing on outside of just getting new clients.
You can catch the show notes for this episode over at www.alisharobertson.com/149
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