Since we're coming up on the third quarter of 2021 and you're probably in planning mode right now, I wanted to talk about the different seasons of business you may be in and how that really determines the goals you will create for this quarter. This is a concept that I introduced to the members inside of The Purpose To Service Academy during our Q3 planning session last week and it really helped them to remove a lot of the overwhelm that often comes with goal setting and to gain clarity around what they should be focusing on.
While I do believe in consistently selling and doing what you need to do to generate consistent income in your business, I don't believe that your big goals should all be focused on just making money. Some seasons of your business are for intense selling while others may be for nurturing.
So today I'm going to talk about the four different business seasons, how to know which season you're in and what tasks you should be focusing on during each season!
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This episode is brought to you by The Purpose To Service Method, my 5-step roadmap for simplifying your business through one signature offer! Download it now for free!
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