Let's talk about the problem with focusing on fast growth when it comes to running your business. I've talked about this before here but we're currently in a season of entrepreneurship where all we're hearing is about how fast someone is growing their business. This was a $100,000 month or I've gained 60,000 Instagram followers in 3 months. A lot of what we're seeing online is these big numbers that those we admire are achieving. For someone who may be starting out or even someone who has been in business for a while but hasn't seen that type of growth yet, it can really make you feel like you're behind in your business because the timing of their success compared to yours doesn't look the same. Today I wanted to talk about the elements of a solid business foundation that you should be focusing on before you try to scale! You can also check out new episodes of The Purpose To Service Podcast on Apple Podcast: http://bit.ly/loeitunes and on Spotify: http://bit.ly/loespotify Don't forget to leave a comment and subscribe!!
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Download my 6-step roadmap for creating a sustainable coaching business: https://www.alisharobertson.com/roadmap/
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