Doing Life Well
Doing Everyday Well
EP 95: How I'm Shifting My Money Mindset In 2020

EP 95: How I'm Shifting My Money Mindset In 2020

This month in The LOE Collective we are focusing on MINDSET! Why? Because setting goals is the easy part. You create a vision, craft a plan and set a deadline. But the majority of our goals fizzle out before the summer heat hits simply because we don’t actually believe that we are capable of bringing those dreams to life. it’s not a goal setting issue. It’s not a lack of knowledge issue. It’s a mindset issue! So this month we’re chatting about the excuses we make, our fears, discipline and more.

But in today’s episode, I’m sharing the one mindset shift that I am hyper focusing on making in 2020. That’s money mindset. In this episode I share 5 things that I am actively doing to help me switch from a poverty to abundance mindset.

You can find the show notes for this episode over at

Join us in our month of Mindset now in The LOE Collective 

Doing Life Well
Doing Everyday Well
A podcast about prioritizing rest while managing the chaos of life and business.