This week on the show I am chatting with Jenell B. Stewart. Jenell is a Social Entrepreneur who rose to popularity thanks to her award winning lifestyle blog. Today, Jenell uses the power of her many social platforms, which also includes a podcast, to empower women, specifically women of color, to become successful entrepreneurs by providing them with knowledge and resources to grow their businesses. Jenell is also the founder of a digital school which she started to educate women on how to launch their own content creation businesses and get paid what they’re worth for it.
In this episode Jenell shares how she shifted from once wanting to become a lawyer, to becoming a teacher and then full-time blogger. She shares why it’s so important for her help other women of color not only pitch themselves but also get paid what their worth. We talk about the mindset shift that needs to take place in order to pitch to big brands and her tips for negotiating.
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